Thursday, August 16, 2012

laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast night

J made some AWESOME grilled chicken thighs- sometimes I forget how awesome chicken thighs are what with being a tit-man myself... by damn they were good.
I think this is the recipe:

Also some CSA corn-on-the-cob, next time you cotc (hahaha) go spray-'butter' onion powder and salt. Change yo life.

Our 1/2 of the CSA haul for the week- tomatoes, Boston lettuce, green onions, cucumbers

Tonight- grilled chicken breasts
they've been in the fridge all day with a bottle of beer (Stellaaaaaaaaaaaaa) and some dressing... I think it was Cesar but it was REALLY early this morning when I put it together, so who knows...

and mashed garlic cauliflower

1 comment:

  1. That is the recipe! I have another great chicken thigh recipe if you can convince your husband to eat mushrooms.....
