Wednesday, August 1, 2012

alright alright

So... SHOCKER- we strayed from plans last night =$
I went to Sam's with a list of 4 items... we ended up dropping two-hundo. woops.
By the time we were done at Sam's the idea of then also going to the grocery store THEN going home to eat sounded like madness, so clearly, we decided to go out to eat.

Sigh... Rome wasn't built in a day, right?

The lack of groceries/cooking have pushed this week's menu back into oblivion- I've decided that the best reason (read: Excuse) is that trying to start a radical new way of meal-ing (it's a word!) in the middle of the week was just setting myself up for failure. SO while if/when it might work I'll try to stick to the plan... Let's be honest.

Next week will start the reboot.

I swear.

No Really...

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